Young Leaders Course
Developing the next generation of leaders.
Service Description
If you want to grow your leadership capacity, develop new skills, discover who you really are and make a difference in your community, then this Leadership Course is definitely for you. The time period ranges from 2-5 days of training depending on the groups need. Each session will have a theoretical and practical component where the following modules will be explored: 1. Discovering who you are (Identity) - What causes identity confusion. (Forced Identity by peers, society, parents) 2. Manhood/Womanhood. - Transition from being a boy/girl to taking up responsibility and impacting society as a man/woman. 3. Career guidance and Coaching. - Equip young people to understand themselves and to identify career option. 4. How can I make a difference in my community or country. - Equipped to identify and serve the various needs within a community. 5. Character Development. - Develop positive values, character and skills. 6. Servant Leadership. - Demonstrate servant leadership where the contribution of each member is honored. 7. Emotional Intelligence & Capacity Building. - Reading one's own emotions and recognizing their impact on others. 8. Cultural Intelligence. - How to work with people from different worldviews and cultural backgrounds. 9. Working in teams and leading teams. - Discover why working in teams are more effective than working alone. 10. How do I start to mentor other leaders.

Contact Details
22 Porter Street, Ceres, 6835, South Africa